2004-09-30 - 12:27 a.m. : The quest for mental diversion continues
Hey babes.
I'm not sure where to go with this tonight. Here's the thing. There is something going on right now that has me very excited BUT i've always had this crazy superstition about writing things down in my diary that aren't set in stone. For example, when I'd write about a relationship in its early stages it was a guaranteed disaster. So this development is still in developmental stages. Hopefully I will have a very very happy entry at some point this weekend. Unless I celebrate too much and then it'll have to wait until next week. But I'm jumping way way way ahead and I just don't want to do that yet. I'm so nervous.
So now I want to direct my attention elsewhere. I tried scrapping something anything. But nothing happened. I cleaned up my scrap space and looked at a great picture of my son and wanted to do it but not really. Not enough. Not to mention there was that fabulous life of show on VH1 and it was about angelina jolie and I mean, really, how can one focus on anything else?
So now the scrapping motivation has evaporated. And no one is online to chat. And husband and child are asleep. And I'm kinda sleepy but too wound up mentally and trying my damndest not to be.
I want to see Shark Tale. It looks so cute. I want to go shopping as well. But I need money for that. And that's something that is just not available. That's something that is a very bleak spot in my life. So we're going to avoid that topic of discussion too.
Wow I'm just dodging all kinds of issues aren't I? I kinda feel like our president. Ugh. Puke. Why anyone would re-elect that man remains a mystery. Oh and please don't waste your time emailing me or signing my guestbook or sending me notes regarding this issue. I've heard the various arguments. For chrissakes I come from a Republican household. But I think the arguments are about as retarded as he is and completely invalid and no you're not gonna change my mind and no I don't want to change yours I just can't comprehend it is all. Well wait that's not true. I think I can understand those creatures voting on faith driven reasons. And then I remember karl marx talking about religion being the opiate of the people and damned if i don't actually agree with him. I mean I always kinda believed that but this is the first time I've actually ever caught it in practice. How sad.
You know, I've never been a political being. I mean I understood what was going on in the world and all of that but I just never felt the importance of participation. That completely changed when I witnessed the disasters of 2000 that took place in my own home state. How embarrassing!! Never again. And now, I am a mother. AND I have two brothers of draft age. Oh and that whole thing where they keep saying the draft's never gonna happen. Funny how the only reason given is "Congress will never approve it." I'm sure pro-lifers felt the same way about abortion. I don't buy it. Sorry. No way. Not on your damn life. And just about every country has made it clear they are NOT going to deal with W. I feel so bad for our troops over there. They just can't get a break because we've got Yosemite Sam (sponsored in part by texas oil) running amok in the white house. So I'm voting for Bugs Bunny. Because he always outsmarted Yosemite Sam. Yes he did. And who wouldn't want to deal with him?
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Do Over - 2006-05-02
An end and a beginning - 2006-04-22
Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

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