2004-12-05 - 3:30 a.m. : O Cheesy Me, O Cheesy Me
Today we went and got our tree of Christmas. And we, well mostly I, decorated our tree of Christmas. I love my tree of christmas. It's so big compared to what we had last year. I think last year's was under 6 feet. This year's came just under 8! I ran out of pretty silver garland for the top half DOH. So off to Joann's tomorrow!

I am really sleepy. I just haven't gotten good sleep. And I'm supposed to be reading my ass off this weekend. BUT I was too busy worrying about my husband last night to read and today I've been busy with the tree of christmas! Is it annoying to you that I call it that? I just feel like being obnoxious for some reason.
In M news... he went to the zoo today with the in-laws. Yes he did! Is it crazy for me to want to be the only person he does uber fun stuff with? Is that absurd? Pathetic? I kinda almost get just a teeny tiny bit jealous when someone else comes up with a great idea of something to do with M. Thankfully I've already taken him to the zoo! But I think he enjoyed it more this time...

He loved the Christmas tree by the way. He wanted to get in there and touch it but 1) I had broken a glass ornament and the damn thing practically exploded. I kept finding glass all night so I didn't want him on the floor and 2) I wanted to reinforce the Christmas tree is for looking not touching. So I sat with him in a chair right in front of it and I pointed different things out to him. I taught him to say "ohmamens" or something like that. And shoman. He loves saying SANta. Oh and I tried teaching him star but he keeps calling it dInosaur instead and then going ROAR. It must be the sounds confusing him. Otherwise he just looks at it and calls it mooooooon. Snowflakes was something inaudible except for the oh sound and the ache sound. And then, he decided he wanted to see the tree upside down. So we played the look-at-the-tree-upside-down-for-as-long-as-you-can-before-popping-back-up-to-let-some-blood-out-your-head-to-then-throw-yourself-back-again game for a long, long time. And we giggled and we snuggled and I gave his fingers butterfly kisses which totally got him going. That may have been a bad decision on my part. I should maybe have saved that for a time when better coordination will exist. And I let him stay up with me in that chair to almost midnight and then daddy came and scooped him and put him to bed. I don't think he peeped much at all.
I love having the Christmas tree up. I wish I could always have a tree up that was decorated. I keep turning back to look at it. I'm entralled. Oooh shiny. Instead of letting my eyes fall to the keyboard or stray to the wall behind my monitor while I think my thoughts, I turn around. It's starting to make my neck ache. But I don't care.
FYI: I had a coke float today. Yum. And I had hot chocolate today WITH flavored creamer (cinnamon hazlenut), AND whipped cream, AND chocolate sugar AND cinnammon sprinkled on top TOGETHER. Jen, my love, you are SO amazing for that thought with the creamer thing.
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Do Over - 2006-05-02
An end and a beginning - 2006-04-22
Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

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