2005-02-22 - 12:01 a.m. : Half Baked
I am sick. Oh yes. I have caught the bug. Little M has had his cold all weekend and still has it and now it's my turn and probably J's too. And how can I not be? There is no point in fighting these things when your baby/toddler/child is sick. Because when that happens, let's face it, you are nothing more than a very fancy and very large tissue. My concern is that M is tugging at his ears, mostly his left one. He's never had an ear infection. And J is completely passive about it. Like "His ear's bothering him from all the sniffling." What sniffling? The kid, like me, has the clear water boogers. The kind that when you tip your head down to see something all of a sudden they're like "Oh excuse me, pardon me, I have to get out of here RIGHT NOW! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!" and they pour out your nose like someone is pouring water through there. Yes, I speak sexy. Reow. So seeing as I have to be awake at eight, GASP EIGHT, in the morning I am going to stop eating this ben and jerry's ice cream (it soothes my throat you guys- from the cough, duh) and I'm going to take a bath and then I'm going to lay my snotty self in my snotty bed and cuddle with my soon to be snotty husband.
And since I know what you ALL will be asking, the answer is: It's Ben & Jerry's "Half Baked" flavor from the 2 Twisted line. Mmmmmm.
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Do Over - 2006-05-02
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Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

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