What do you think?

laura - 2006-01-06 14:18:42
Wicked, i love Dooce too.
Snowbear - 2006-01-06 17:39:31
Hey, thanks for including me in your little grouping. I'm very flattered. I didn't sew either until last year--at least on a sewing machine. You can do it! It's fun! But watch out--it's addictive too! So, is this you in this headdress leaning on a bar? :-)
tokyomom - 2006-01-07 21:38:05
Lol, I love the Chatterbox you!! Yup, I know that stage of preg. you're talking about--very strange, isn't it? And I'm so glad you're not going to pull a Britney--though there was never any doubt--you are way too classy for that! :D Sewing--yes, I'd like to learn one day too. I did take a couple of classes in school, you know, home eco. stuff, but I found it kinda frustrating at the time. But now, after years of watching Martha Stewart, I would like to learn. Thanks for the blogs stuff! Fun! :D

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