2005-01-26 - 3:08 a.m. : Bongos and Zebas oh my!
Two entries in a day aren't you special? Go back for the earlier story of the milk predator.
I need to wash my hair. It's so very oily. Yuck. I need to do a lot of things tomorrow but at the very top of the list is going to the post office. I need to ship the clothes I sold on Ebay. Note to parents: Take good care of your child's clothes they can make you good money. I sold about 1/3 of it, donated another 1/3, and kept 1/3. I think that's pretty good. I just can't keep everything. And what if I have another child? Even if it's a boy I'm going to want to shop like mad! I didn't get to shop with M because we were dirt poor.
I've had like six glasses of champagne anymore. At my highest, I was SO giggly and lovin it. Now i'm so very sleepy. Shower and sleep.
Good mundane news: my legs are not nearly as bad. I don't know if it's because I'm getting used to things or because I took my friend honeybee's advice and had an advil before class. I'm just a teeny tiny bit sore but nothing like I was last week. I actually feel great. At first I was really skeptical about this class. It looked positively insane. My professor is just weird and I don't think that will ever change but my god does he get off our asses. And I love it. For one, I actually get the combinations pretty quickly and that makes me feel good. In flamenco, I'd say I was among the slower students in getting the combinations. Before that, in ballet, I would say I was at the middle. This time, I'm towards the first. I feel confident and that goes a long way when trying new things. The neat part is because it is such an active class it really gets the endorphins flowing. I'm not sure why I didn't experience this with flamenco. Maybe it was not this fast a pace? Either way, it's making me want to work out MORE so I know it's got the endorphins just racing around. Which doesn't change the fact the class is still weird. A fat and old dance professor in a jersey and leg warmers is hardly what you think of when someone tells you what a great modern dance class they're taking. And you might not envision a single bongo player as the class' accompanist. In ballet, it was a classical pianist. In flamenco, it was guitarists. Now we have a bongo player.
Hey why is it Tuesday? It totally feels like it should be Thursday. J was so useless yesterday. I was so very mad. I wrote an entry for this place at school because I just couldn't focus on class. I would enter it but it makes me sad. Needless to say, I'm not sure this weekend away was a good thing. Not for me at least. It made me wonder and wondering can be very dangerous. I guess I surprised myself with my own efficiency if that makes sense. Like I said, I don't really want to go into it and I know I'm being cryptic. Really, I hadn't given it much thought today until he went to bed. Some times, I feel like I'm living with an alien. I feel like I'm communicating with someone on a completely different plane of thought than me. Like we're just misfiring and never matching up properly. Well not never, but rarely. I think. Ugh see? I hate reflecting on this.
I have a calendar on my wall next to my monitor. It has a different vintage poster for every month. The month of January features a purple and white zebra drinking a glass of wine. He is reclining on a blanet on a field of grass with his picnic basket, wine bottle, and corkscrew (such a prepared zebra) spread out in front of him. The name of the wine, which is what is being advertised, is Cinzano. I love that word. I wish my last name was Cinzano. Mario sees the calendar and says ZEBA! Like Zima but with a B.
P.S. Tokyomom I need my password and id. I can't get into your diary. New computers have their drawbacks.
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Waiting 4 Sadie - 2006-05-30
Do Over - 2006-05-02
An end and a beginning - 2006-04-22
Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

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