2005-12-09 - 12:33 a.m. : Poof! Hello!
Busy. Hectic. Crazy. Non-Stop. Those words all work. Absorbed though sums it up best. My goodness I just need a pause. This is my first actual pause in days. The school term is ending. Yes that was a chorus of angels you heard singing Hallelujah. This is it ladies and gentlemen. No more school. Well, if I get the right grades that is. Not even the right ones just ok ones. I haven't tried this semester. Or cared. I'm just completely over it. A degree means nothing to me in my life right now. It opens no doors for me or brings me a raise. It just makes me feel I actually did something and even then, at this point it doesn't even feel like an accomplishment just some annoying chore. I've never been one for school. Some times I've come across some amazing professors and have been really happy listening to them talk and explore ideas with them but the rest of it? The tests and the papers and the homework just mean nothing to me. I have cruised through school my entire life. I have never put forth the effort most people do. My mom used to go nuts because of it. I think now she's pretty grateful because let's face it, if I wasn't able to cruise, I'd have failed by now and just dropped out. Grades meant a lot to my mom who was the kind of person who stayed home studying instead of going out. She didn't have many extracurrciulars because she just wanted to study. I actually feel for her and I get annoyed with myself too but school just doesn't interest me enough to drive me. I prefer just reading. And applying my brain to situations. Logic puzzles? All over those. I just never feel like I'm applying my brain in school settings (with the few exceptions I've mentioned). So I get bored and when I get bored I just stop caring.
Anyways, I have some finals this weekend and during the week. And then goddess willing all is done. I have an event on Saturday so I'll be studying a lot tomorrow and on Sunday for the final I'm gonna have to take at some point on Monday. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so that'll give me some reading time. And with that I'm off not sure when I will return.
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Waiting 4 Sadie - 2006-05-30
Do Over - 2006-05-02
An end and a beginning - 2006-04-22
Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

The American Red Cross