What do you think?

Rach - 2005-05-24 07:02:34
I know EXACTLY how you feel right now. It is very odd that you brought this up cause maybe that is my funk too. I am not gonna say you are silly cause you aren't. Just hang in there and love him for exactly what he is. HUGS TO MY M! I MISS YOU!
Cookie - 2005-05-24 08:53:29
Aw, great entry. I think about how much my baby has changed in the seven months I have known him, I can only imagine how you feel. And wow, he really does look all grown up!
Butterflijoy - 2005-05-24 19:34:20
Awwwww... I know the feeling. When I hold Abigail it seems like just yesterday that I was holding Tristan that way. He is too heavy for me to pick up now. And then I look at her and look at him and he will be in the FIRST GRADE next year! I have no idea how it went so fast and it makes me just want to hold Abby forever...

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