What do you think?

Rachael - 2005-07-02 19:13:07
You know what...every now and again, you have to let yourself go or you might self combust. I am sorry that you found yourself at that point and that you hated it...but I am glad that at least a portion is off your chest. I will be thinking of you and I hope that maybe today was ok...wish I had known before I left for Nashville. HUGS. LUFF YA.
butterflijoy - 2005-07-02 20:18:44
I so feel you! And I have been there. Many, many times. Not so much anymore, but boy does it feel good to let it all out. And for you I am glad he was so drunk! Hope you are feeling better today. (HUGS))))
tokyomom - 2005-07-03 08:44:12
I know exactly what you mean. It is very tough to experience that, but at the same time, it is tough to keep it bottled up. You are so lucky he drinks!!! lol. ;) Hope you're both in better spirits today. Take care. ((hugs))
foxymeeper - 2005-07-06 16:24:41
Sorry you had a knockdown, dragout fight. Sounds like J wasn't a very worthy opponent at the time. Luckily for you (or maybe more for him). I hope everything has calmed down since & you feel better to have let it all out!

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