2005-09-15 - 6:10 p.m. : Here in my car the image breaks down
My head aches so much. It doesn't go away. I took two motrin already. Every day I have a headache. I try different things- lower my sugar, raise my sugar, motrin, whatever, nothing changes. It's actually beginning to worry me. I stopped using birth control two weeks to the date. I have been on prenatal vitamins for just under that amount.


M has a new nickname. He's Monster. And that's what I might call him here from now on but you know that old habits die hard.
So, Monster really loves toy cars. I mean the kid REALLY loves toy cars. Lately, they are some of his favorite toys. It's hard to say what his FAVORITE is because he's one of those rare kids that actually plays with his toys. Some of his favorite things are dancing, kicking and throwing a ball around, and reading, and playing with a variety of toys. But he's got two Hot Wheels cars that he adores. And there's a plastic snoopy car he got at easter time that he loves too. He loves pushing them around on everything. And crashing them into each other too. Also worth noting is how much he likes his dolls and stuffed animals lately too. His two best friends right now are a pale blue elephant that was given to him at birth and a cat that is made to look like it was run over. It was one of my toys back in the day. It's name is Splat. He loves it. So he walks around with Splat and the elephant and his cars. And he sings. He likes to sing. Which is hilarious. He's singing ei- ei- oh right now while playing with a Thomas the tank book a friend just gave him for his bday (thanks Mormon).

He's getting bigger every day. Really. We have his two year check up at the doctor's tomorrow.

Today, we were waiting in line at the post office and he was just chattering away at me. Blah blah blah the usual non stop chatter that he puts forth. This lady couldn't help herself. "That's amazing he can talk like that! He's so little!" She went on about his "extensive vocabulary" and how he speaks so well. Another lady joined in and they both imagined how much MORE he'll talk when he gets older. Kids talk MORE? Ai yai yai.

1 of you have had really deep thoughts
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Waiting 4 Sadie - 2006-05-30
Do Over - 2006-05-02
An end and a beginning - 2006-04-22
Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

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