What do you think?

foxymeeper - 2005-08-05 17:37:40
Sounds like you two are in a bad way. What are you unhappy about? Not to overanylize the situation, but you don't sound happy. Maybe that will lead to the root of your unhappiness? Sorry, *BIG HUGS*
Rach - 2005-08-10 10:14:08
It sounds to me like you are VERY OVERWHELMED. At least the clutter part tells me that. The bitching part tells me that maybe you aren't enjoying the time you have with each other (maybe due to the clutter/overwhelming situation) and so instead of putting forth an action, you snap. And here is the scary part: I do that very same thing too. It's ok though, as long as you recognize it, and honestly start to care enough to change it. I will be thinking of you. HUGS!

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