What do you think?

HMG - 2005-09-09 04:06:33
Well my lovely liberal... here's how I see it. President Bush may have a different set of beliefs than you do, but that doesn't make him not care about you. He's a Christian - and we're taught to love EVERYONE, not just the people that are like us. Look at you and I. We couldn't be any more different (politically anyways!) unless we were Michael Moore and Ann Coulter. (I get to be AC! I KNOW I'm not skinny enough but WHATEVER.) But we still care about each other very much, right? Anyways. Now your comments have been tainted by a die-hard Bush Supporter. I bet you need a shower. ;)
Taylor - 2005-09-09 16:51:59
Very well said. However, I disagree with what the comment says above me. Just because G-Dub is a Christian doesn't mean he follows the whole "caring about everyone" rule. It's utter crap. He doesn't care. That's become blatantly obvious in the past three plus years since he has been in office. He's self-riteous and a hypocrite. He is the embodiment of what is wrong with most Christians today. There, I said it, let the stoning begin!
HMG - 2005-09-09 22:35:00
Well Taylor, that's your opinion. I spend a lot of time in thought and prayer to decide who to vote for and voted for him. I truly believe that he does the same thing when he's faced with the decisions he has to make on a daily basis. While I agree that there IS a problem with a lot of Christians today, there's a HUGE difference between a Christian on paper and a Christian who lives their faith. Nothing has ever been able to make me doubt that our president doesn't truly live his faith. I believe he does what he thinks is the best for his country. And, for the record, I believe I'M a lot more likely to get stoned for my beliefs than you are. It's just not cool to be someone like me right now. Then again, I'm LDS, so let's debate rather or not I'm actually Christian!

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