2005-12-29 - 1:02 p.m. : Go AWAY 2005
In a far cry from last year CAN 2005 PLEASE JUST END ALREADY?!?!?! Seriously, what a crap year my goodness. On every level: global, national, personal this year has been a mess and a half. I don't think I've ever been so eager to see a year end/ I'm going to countdown the end at the top of my lungs and if I wasn't pregnant, I'd probably take down an entire bottle of champagne in celebration.
Don't get me wrong. The year hasn't been a complete waste really but for the most part lots of really bad things have happened to lots of good people and that makes me so sad.
And then I have to couple that feeling of sadness and exhaustion that 2005 has brought on with the feeling of hope that 2006 brings personally. The promise of a new house, a new little life, a new personal direction, etc. and you really can't be surprised at the fervor I anticipate the new year with. I have never cared for resolutions. I have a hard enough time remembering things for a week much less a year. But this curiousity and anticipation for the new year, at this level, I think might be a first for me. And funny enough, I feel a lot of people are going through it with me.
Everyone down here is on vacation this week. EVERYONE. It's strange in a way. But it really does feel like just about everyone I know is done with this year. What about you? 2005 or 2006? I really have to wonder about next year. And hope. What else CAN you do?
0 of you have had really deep thoughts
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Waiting 4 Sadie - 2006-05-30
Do Over - 2006-05-02
An end and a beginning - 2006-04-22
Brain Bun - 2006-04-11
What Dreams May Come - 2006-04-04

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